
a fan of Taylor Swift


swiftie = ein begeisterter Fan der Singer-Songwriterin Taylor Swift



"AMP’s chief economist, Shane Oliver, a self-proclaimed SWIFTIE, predicts that Taylor’s tour will inject $400 million into the economy."

Maja Garaca Djurdjevic — Investor Daily (14th February 2024)

"SWIFTIES flock to Leicester Square as Taylor Swift’s box office smash hits UK.”

Mark Sweney — The Guardian (13th Oct 2023)

Did you


- a fan of musician/songwriter Taylor Swift

The Oxford Dictionary of English


The term "Swiftie," referring to a fan of singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, emerged in the late 2000s, likely around 2008.

Over time, "Swiftie" gained wider recognition within the music industry and media, becoming the standard moniker for Swift's dedicated fanbase.

In 2017, Swift filed a trademark application for the term "Swiftie", solidifying its association with her brand and fanbase.


Although phonetically identical to "swiftie", swift with a "y" means a drink, usually an alcoholic one, that you have quickly — as in “We stopped at the pub for a swifty and a snack.”

Drinking the Fastest Litre of Beer – On June 22, 1977, Steven Petrosino broke the World Record for drinking 1 litre of beer in 1.3 seconds at the Gingerbreadman in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA. The previous record was held by Peter Dowdeswell of the United Kingdom, who drank 1 liter in 2.3 seconds.


- for follower

adherent, admirer, aficionado, apostle, buff, champion, defender, devotee, disciple, enthusiast, fan, fanboy/girl, follower, groupie, hero/heroine-worshiper, idolater, lover, megafan, partisan, patron, proponent, rooter, supporter, sympathizer, torchbearer, zealot

- for quick drink

bracer, chaser, cheeky tipple, cold one, dram, draft, essential fuel, fast one, fortification, libation, liquid refreshment, momentary indulgence, necessary evil, nightcap, nip, partake in a swift libation, pick-me-up, potation, quaff a quick one, quick beverage (cup, one), rapid rehydration, refreshment (fleeting refreshment), reviver, shot, slug, snifter, snort, spirit, swift one, SWIFTY, swig (and go), taste and dash, tipple, tot, wee dram, wet one

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Amazingly, although in usage for over 15 years, the word SWIFTIE was only added to the Oxford Dictionary of English in 2023.”

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