
a defensive position, a stronghold


palladium = Hort; etwas, das wirksamen Schutz oder Sicherheit bietet; eine Statue der Pallas, deren Erhaltung als Garantie für die Sicherheit Trojas galt; das chemische Element mit der Ordnungszahl 46, ein seltenes silbrig-weißes Metall, das Platin ähnelt



“The National Rifle Association, among other organizations, maintains that the right to bear arms is not simply one right alongside others, but the PALLADIUM, or guarantor of all our other freedoms.”

Sam Ben-Meir — Pagosa Daily Post (28th June 2022)

Did you


- something that affords effectual protection or security

- a statue of Pallas whose preservation was believed to ensure the safety of Troy

- the chemical element of atomic number 46, a rare silvery-white metal resembling platinum.

Merriam-Webster, Oxford Languages



The word "palladium" has a rich etymology with two main origins:

Referring to a statue of Pallas Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare. According to legend, the Palladium was a sacred statue in Troy, and as long as it remained within the city, Troy would be invincible. The word “palladium” thus came to symbolize “protection”, or “safeguard”. Over time, this evolved to mean anything that serves as a defence or protection, particularly in political or legal contexts.

“Palladium”, the chemical element, was discovered by the English chemist William Hyde Wollaston in 1803. He named the element after the asteroid Pallas, which had been discovered two years earlier and was itself named after the Greek goddess Pallas Athena. The element palladium is known for its use in various industrial applications, including catalytic converters and electronics.

Both the mythical and chemical uses of the word share the common theme of protection — whether safeguarding a city or being used in applications like reducing emissions.



- A bulwark against = a person or thing that acts as a defence or protection against something.

- A knight in shining armour = someone who saves or protects another in a difficult situation.

- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure = it's better to take small protective steps to avoid larger problems later.

- Armour up = to prepare oneself mentally or emotionally for a difficult situation.

- Batten down the hatches = to prepare for trouble or protect oneself from upcoming difficulties.

- Circle the wagons = to unite in defence against a common threat or danger.

- Cover all bases = to make sure every possible action is taken to protect oneself or ensure success.

- Cover one's back = to protect someone from harm, criticism, or trouble, often in a work or personal context.

- Fortress mentality = an overly defensive or isolationist attitude.

- Guardian angel = a spirit or person believed to protect and guide someone.

- Hold the fort = to maintain a position or situation while others are absent.

- Pull up the ladder = to protect one's own position by preventing others from accessing the same opportunities or defences.

- Raise the drawbridge = to shut oneself off from external influences or protect oneself from outside threats.

- Stand guard = to protect or defend a place or person vigilantly.

- Take up the cudgels = to defend or support someone or something vigorously.

- Watchdog = a person or organization that monitors and checks for irregularities or illegal practices.

- Wrapped in cotton wool = to be overprotected or sheltered from harm.



a wall of protection (of safety), aegis, air cover, armament, armour, assurance, asylum, backing, barrier, bastion, bodyguard, buffer, bulwark, cloak, cocoon, cover, cushion, custody, defence (UK), defense (US), deterrence, deterrent, fence, fortification, fortress, garrison, guard, guardianship, harbour, haven, hedge, in good hands, insurance, keep, look after, PALLADIUM, preservation, rampart, refuge, safeguard, safekeeping, safety net, salvation, sanctuary, screen, security (blanket), shelter, shield, stronghold, surety, tutelage, umbrella, under lock and key (one's wing), wall (of protection, of safety), ward, wing


SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“Freedom of speech is often considered the PALLADIUM of a functioning democracy.”


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