pageantry .

impressive ceremony


pageantry = Prunk, Gepränge



“Of course, there was a lot of PAGEANTRY and ceremonial, but how did Prince Philip’s funeral compare with that of the Queen Mother in 2002, or of George VI fifty years before?”

David Herman - The Article

Did you


- splendid, colourful and very expensive ceremonies

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary


Pageantry stems from "pageant", a dramatic spectacle or procession celebrating a special occasion or an event in the history of a locality.

In medieval times a pageant was the wagon or the movable stage on which one scene of a mystery or miracle play was performed.

The pageant was built on wheels and consisted of two rooms, the lower one being used as a dressing room and the upper used as a stage.

Nowadays, pageants can range from small local festivals to spectacular shows like the Carnival or major sporting events such as the Olympic Games and the World Cup in football.

The word “pageant” may originally derive from the Latin “pagina” as in the page of a book, perhaps alluding to the manuscript of a stage play.


Here, where the forest opens southward,
Between its hospitable pines,
As through a door, the warm sun shines.

The jewels loosen on the branches,
And lightly, as the soft winds blow,
Fall, tinkling, on the ice below.

Shine warmly down, thou sun of noontime,
On this chill pageant, melt and move
The winter’s frozen heart with love.

Come with thy green relief of promise,
And to this dead, cold splendor bring
The living jewels of the spring!

John Greenleaf Whittier (1807–1892)
Influential American Quaker poet and ardent advocate of the abolition of slavery in the United States.


ceremony, cortege, display, fanfare, glitter, grandeur, grandiosity, PAGEANTRY, parade, pizzazz, pride, razzmatazz, ritual, show, spectacle, splendour, splendiferousness, to-do

Thanks to Florian for suggesting today’s phrase.

PRACTICE OWAD in an English conversation, say something like:

“Maybe we need less PAGEANTRY and more substance at our next local exhibition."

HERZLICHEN DANK to all readers helping me keep OWAD alive with single or monthly donations at:

Paul Smith

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