
the philosophical study of existence


ontology = Ontologie, Seinslehre



"The ONTOLOGICAL Shock of AI. To understand AI we must let go of some basic assumptions about the world."

Paul Siemers — Medium (1st September 2024)

ONTOLOGY and Semantic Web Technology Navigation Guide. This is a primer on the use of ONTOLOGIES -- which provide the framework for the data held in knowledge graphs -- and other semantic web technologies within the media domain.”

The 2024 Media Technology Summit — SMPTE (6th September 2024)

Did you


-  the part of philosophy that studies what it means to exist

- the philosophical study of existence and the nature of being

- a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of things that have existence

Cambridge Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, Merriam-Webster


From Greek onto- (being) + -logy (study and first recorded in English in 1663.

The usage of "ontology" in the context of computer and information sciences as a formal representation of knowledge in a domain began to emerge in the early 1990s.

When the World Turns Upside Down

Ontological shock occurs when our foundational understanding of reality is profoundly challenged, causing a deep sense of disorientation and uncertainty.

This phenomenon represents a significant disruption to our worldview, forcing us to reconsider our most basic assumptions about the nature of existence. It's a concept that goes beyond mere surprise or confusion, touching on the very essence of how we perceive and interact with the world around us.

An intriguing aspect of ontological shock, not widely known, is its origin in psychiatric studies. Psychiatrist John Mack first popularized the term to describe the experiences of individuals who believed they had encountered extraterrestrial beings.

In our current era, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a primary source of ontological shock. AI technology is compelling us to reevaluate fundamental concepts such as the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and what it means to be human. This reassessment extends far beyond academic discourse, carrying significant implications for ethics, governance, and our relationship with technology.

The impact of ontological shock in the context of AI is profound and far-reaching. It challenges our long-held beliefs about human uniqueness and our place in the world. As AI systems demonstrate capabilities once thought to be exclusively human, we are forced to confront questions about the essence of intelligence and consciousness.

Ontological shock isn’t just a threat; it’s an opportunity to reshape how we think about ourselves and the world by:

1. Cultivating intellectual openness
    We can view challenges to our worldview as opportunities for growth and expanded understanding.

2. Enhancing cognitive flexibility
    Regular engagement with paradigm-shifting concepts can improve our ability to adapt to rapid changes in our environment and understanding.

3. Driving innovation
    The discomfort of ontological shock can prompt significant breakthroughs in thought and technology.


building blocks of existence, classification of entities, epistemological foundations, field of existence, first principles, foundational, framework of being, fundamental categories, nature of being (of existence, of reality), ONTOLOGY, root concepts, science of deduction (of reasoning, of thought), structure of reality, study of being, the is-ness, the nature of being, the what-is, the what-there-is, theory of existence (of reality), underlying structures, world of forms

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

"As artificial intelligence evolves, we may need to develop an ONTOLOGY of machine consciousness."

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