
a complainer


kvetcher = Jammerer, Jammerlappen, Meckerer, Miesepeter, (ewiger) Nörgler, Schwarzmaler, Schwarzseher



"Greta Thunberg, the perfect candidate for a Nobel Peace Prize that’s become a parody of itself … the 17-year-old Swedish climate KVETCHER.”

Michael Graham — Boston Herald (5th February 2020)

“What fantasy is Trump giving his supporters the liberty to consider? They are stricken by a sense that things are not as they should be and that, finally, someone sees it their way. They have a case of Grievance Mind, and Trump is their head KVETCHER.”

George Saunders — The New York Times (4th July 2016)

Did you


- someone who complains or grumbles, esp. incessantly

- a habitual complainer

Collins Dictionary / Merriam-Webster


"Kvetch" entered English in the late 19th century and derives from the Yiddish kvetshn and German quetschen, meaning "to squeeze or press".


Yiddish is a Germanic language that originated around the 9th century in Central Europe, providing the Ashkenazi Jewish community with a vernacular language. It is derived primarily from High German dialects, but incorporates significant influences from Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic languages, and traces of Romance languages.

Yiddish was traditionally used across Eastern Europe, but immigration waves brought it to places like North America. The great wave of Jewish migration that began in the late 19th century had a profound impact on cities like New York, where Jewish culture still plays a key role. Yiddish sounds like German with Hebrew influences and has a singsong rhythm. The Council of Europe estimates a worldwide Yiddish-speaking population of about two million.

Common English Yiddishisms:

- kosher = correct according to Jewish law and meanwhile synonymous with legal or proper (I'm not sure this business is kosher.)

- schmooze = to make small talk, chat informally (She's great with customers because she really knows how to schmooze.)

- kibitz = to sit around and talk or offer unwanted advice (Uncle Joe annoys us with his kibitzing when we play card games.)

- chutzpah = audacity or nerve (It takes a lot of chutzpah to ask for a raise after just a month on the job.)

- schlep = to carry or drag something, especially something heavy or awkward (I had to schlep all these groceries up three flights of stairs.)

- kvetcher = a person who complains or gripes persistently (She always kvetches about the weather no matter what the season.)

- mensch = a person of integrity and honour (He's a real mensch for helping out at the shelter every weekend.)

- spiel = a long or fast speech or story, often meant to persuade (The salesman gave us his whole spiel about why we needed to buy this car.)

- oy vey = an expression of dismay or exasperation (Oy vey, not another meeting!)


bawler, bellyacher, bitcher, bleater, carper, complainer, crybaby, discontent, doomsayer, faultfinder, fussbudget, fusser, griper, grouch, grumbler, grump, KVETCHER, malcontent, miserablist, moaner, naysayer, pessimist, screamer, sourpuss, sniveler, squawker, wailer, whiner, whinger

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“The Yiddish word KVETCHER is an amusing label to assign to malcontents, miserablists, and moaners.”

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Paul Smith

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