Irish twins

siblings born within 12 months of each other


Irish twins = Geschwister mit weniger als einem Jahr Altersunterschied



"To some people, the term IRISH TWINS is offensive. To others it is cute, and just fine."

The Baby Centre

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Irish twins

- a pair of siblings born less than 12 months apart, especially if born within the same calendar year (or school year) or born one year apart.

Your Dictionary


Irish twins is primarily an American expression, but it is also known in Britain. It’s a colloquial way to classify siblings that are born close together.

Historically, in the 1800’s, Irish Catholic immigrant communities would often have many siblings who were very close in age. Irish families were viewed as having poor self-control, little education, and no access to health resources like birth control.

Nowadays, “Irish twins” doesn’t often find its way into print, probably because it’s considered non-PC (not politically correct).

Regardless of what term they use to describe it, some women choose to have their children very close in age. Several celebrities, like Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Tori Spelling, and Heidi Klum, have Irish twins.

BTW, “Irish triplets” are when three children are born to the same mother within three years.


- get (one’s) Irish up = to become (or cause to become) angry, hostile, defensive, or irritable

- an Irish hint = a straightforward statement

- the luck of the Irish = extremely good luck or fortune


Dutch twins, catholic twins, closely-spaced siblings, close-in-age siblings, IRISH TWINS

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Given some people's sensibilities regarding cultural stereotyping, be careful how you use the term IRISH TWINS.”

THANKS to Basilides for suggesting today's word.

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