
signs of future happenings


intimation = Andeutung, Ahnung, Anzeichen —— at the first intimation = bei der ersten Andeutung



“In 1927, J. W. Dunne, an aeronautical engineer, published the bestselling book ‘An Experiment with Time’, … Dunne’s book was a thirty-year history of his own dreams and their INTIMATIONS of the future.”

Joe Moran - Book Review of ‘The Premonitions Bureau’  (31st July 2022)

Did you

noun (formal)

- an indirect suggestion or sign that something is likely to happen or be true

Collins Dictionary


In Latin, the word intimatio means “notification” or “announcement”. It is derived from the verb intimare, which means “to announce” or “to notify.” Intimatio is a noun form of this verb and can be used to refer to the act of informing someone of something, or to the information itself.

The meaning “action of expressing by suggestion or hint, or the indirect imparting of information” is from the 1530s.


Intimations by Yogi Berra:

- “You wouldn’t have won if we’d beaten you.”

- “I knew the record would stand until it was broken.”

- “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.”

- “The future ain’t what it used to be.”

Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra (1925–2015) was an American professional baseball catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach. He played 19 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) between 1946 and 1965) and was an 18x All-Star. He won 10 World Series championships as a player, more than any other player in MLB history. 


- a slight suspicion or hint of something:

allusion, augury, auspice, fancy, forewarning, hint, hunch, implication, indication, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, INTIMATION, nudge, omen, pointer, portent, prefiguration, sign, signal, (sneaking) suspicion, sniff, supposition, telltale sign, tip-off, wake-up call, warning, whiff, whisper, wind, wink

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“What a surprise! I had no INTIMATION that he was going to resign and leave the company.”

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