go for broke

to risk everything to achieve a goal


go for broke = alles aufs Spiel setzen, alles auf eine Karte setzen, alles riskieren um ein Ziel zu erreichen, auf Biegen und Brechen



"Putin WENT FOR BROKE in February with Plan A. The failure of that scheme means that plans B, C or any subsequent plans still leaves Russia GOING FOR BROKE - needing to suppress some or all of a very big country."

BBC News - Viewpoint (8 May 2022)

Did you

go for broke

- to risk everything in the hope of having great success

Cambridge Dictionary 


Go for broke is originally a gambling expression and refers back to the word "broke", meaning to have no money.

If a poker player throws all of his money into the pot (the pile of money or poker chips to be wagered that sits in the middle of the table) and risks it all on one bet, then he is said to "go for broke".

Meanwhile, the phrase is liberally used in sports, business or any kind of personal endeavour. In the last minutes of a football game for instance, a losing side might send its goalkeeper down the field to help his team score a goal, thus leaving its own goal unattended – a good example of going for broke.

To put maximum effort into achieving something

bet the farm, burn your boats, do all you can, empty the tank, give it all you’ve got, give it your best shot, give your all, go all-out, GO FOR BROKE, go for it, go hammer and tongs, go hard, leave nothing in the tank, make a supreme effort, make every effort, move heaven and earth, pull out all the stops, put one’s heart and soul into it, put pedal to the metal, put it all on the line, risk it all, risk your neck, shoot the works, spare no effort, stake everything/it all, throw one’s hat over the fence/wall, use every muscle

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

"Jenny has decided to GO FOR BROKE and set up her own company."

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