
to search


frisk = jemanden durchsuchen, abtasten —— frisk = herumtanzen, fröhlich herumtollen



“New Yorkers who live in areas where controversial stop-and-FRISK searches happen most frequently are also more likely to be surveilled by facial recognition technology, according to research by Amnesty International and other researchers.”

Gloria Oladipo - The Guardian (15th February 2022)

Did you

verb, noun

- to use your hands to search someone’s body when they are wearing clothes to see if they are hiding illegal objects or weapons

- to leap, skip, or dance in a lively or playful way

Cambridge Dictionary / Merriam-Webster


"Frisk" is from the Middle English frisk, meaning lively, via the Middle French frisque lively, brisk.

The sense of searching a person’s body was first recorded in 1781. How this sense developed is unclear however.


Three men have been arrested in Delhi for trying to board a flight with small primates hidden in their underwear. Two of the men were found with slender lorises concealed in pouches in their briefs, a customs official at Indira Gandhi International Airport told the BBC.

The men were transit passengers, en route to Dubai from Bangkok. The animals were uncovered when security guards noticed a bulge in their underwear during a frisk.

Lorises are nocturnal and carnivorous primates native to parts of South Asia and South East Asia that live in tropical forest areas.

BBC News

BTW, female lorises practice “infant parking”, leaving their infants behind in trees or bushes. Before they do this, they bathe their young with allergenic saliva that is acquired by licking patches on the insides of their elbows, which produce a mild toxin that discourages most predators.


body search, body check, FRISK, give someone the once-over, give someone a shake down

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“I never feel comfortable being FRISKED by airport security.”

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