
doing yoga with a dog



Doga = das Yoga für Hunde

Did you

Doga (a portmanteau of "Dog Yoga")



- The practice of yoga with pet dogs.


Through acts of dog training, human yoga, meditation, gentle massage, and stretching, Doga practitioners seek to achieve a positive attachment and a greater harmony with their dogs. Canine acupuncture and chanting are also known to take place within the occasional Doga routine.


The UK charity Dogs Trust have warned that unsupervised Doga may impact the welfare of the dogs, stating: "It is important to remember that dogs can't tell us when they have had enough. Doga, and any variation of it, should always be carried out under the watchful eye of trained professionals".


On the other hand, Doga enthusiasts have argued that the practice emphasizes yoga's focus on union between beings, helps establish a pack mentality, and strengthens the bond between owner and pet.

Start a conversation with OWAD today, say something like:

“Do you think the DOGA idea could be applied to cats, hamsters, canaries, even goats…?

Kuriose Yoga-Variante Biegen mit Ziegen
"Dass man so viel lacht, hätte ich nie gedacht!" Beim "Goat Yoga" teilen sich Yoga-Schüler die Matte mit Zwergziegen. Ein Besuch im Stall.


Lyttle, B. (April 8, 2009) "Bonding With Their Downward-Facing Humans", The New York Times.

Winkle, M. Y. , Professional Applications of Animal Assisted Interventions: Dogwood Doga.

Blankenship, Donna Gordon, "Partnered dog yoga helps you and Fido be calm, centered" U-T San Diego


Thanks Jo, for suggesting today’s word

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