
an upset stomach (because nervous)


collywobbles = Magenflattern, Bauchgrimmen, Bauchkribbeln, flaues Gefühl; Unwohlsein



“COLLYWOBBLES: How to Negotiate When Negotiating Makes You Nervous”

Amazon Book Title - Moshe Cohen (author)

“Interest rate jitters give stocks the COLLYWOBBLES”

The Birmingham Post (News Headline)

Did you

collywobbles (plural only)
noun (informal)

- bellyache
- stomach pain or queasiness
- an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach caused by feelings of nervousness or slight fear

Merriam-Webster / Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary / Oxford Dictionary


“Collywobbles” originated in the early 19th century referring to the disease cholera, from Latin cholera morbus. The word is a formation of colic + wobble (wackeln).

The Routledge Dictionary of Historical Slang also notes that Australian farmers once referred to “the wobbles” as a stomach disorder that affected their cattle when they ate palm leaves, which are known to cause colic.


Apart from COLLYWOBBLES, you may also hear anxiety or a nervous feeling in the stomach being referred to as: the heebie-jeebies, the willies, the jitters, the screaming abdabs, the screaming meemies, butterflies, ants in pants, jim-jams, whim-whams, to be in a tizzie


Although not-nice, negative words are sometimes unavoidable. However, this shouldn’t stop us also reveling in the antonyms:

Arcady, assurance, bliss, calmness, cloud nine, collectedness, composure, confidence, contentment, coolheadedness, coziness, ease, Elysium, equanimity, equilibrium, imperturbability, inner peace, joie de vivre, jollies, level-headedness, mental repose, peace and quiet, peacefulness, perfect contentment, placidity, poise, quietus, relaxation, sangfroid, self-assurance, self-control, self-possession, serenity, soothingness, sunshine and rainbows, sunshine and lollipops, sureness, top of the world, tranquility, transports of delight, unconcern, unflappability, warm fuzzies

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“It’s natural to get the COLLYWOBBLES before a new job interview, but they disappear once you get started.”

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