without rancour

without bitterness or anger


rancour = die Verbitterung, der Groll --- GOOGLE INDEX rancour: approximately 500,000 Google hits



"We come to the table for dialogue without RANCOUR or arrogance," said Farc leader Rodrigo Londono.

(BBC News)

Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a warm welcome to Prince William on Monday as he began the first visit to the mainland by a member of the British royal family in almost three decades, setting aside RANCOUR with London over Hong Kong.

(New York Times)

Did you

rancour (American English rancor)

- a feeling of hate and continuing anger about something in the past


(Cambridge Dictionary)

Have you ever felt betrayed by a friend or co-worker and never gotten over it, unable to set aside your anger and bitterness? Then you know what rancour is. It's more than being irritated or a bit angry. It's more than just being a little upset.

Rancour is what you feel when you run into a classmate who constantly picked on you and tried to provoke you when you were in school together. You may have forgotten about the fellow, but you haven't gotten over his behaviour toward you. That's rancour.

Rancour is a 13th century word from the Late Latin "rancor" (a stinking smell or figuratively a grudge or bitterness) by way of the Old French rancor (bitterness, resentment). This is also the root of the adjectives rancid and rank, both of which describe something that is rotten or highly offensive to the senses.


animosity, bad blood, bitterness, hatred, hostility, ill feeling, ill will, malice, resentment, spite, venom

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"If we want to have a productive discussion, it has to be done without rancor."

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