with trepidation

with fear or worry


trepidation = die Angst, die Sorge, die Beklommenheit trepidation = das mulmige Gefühl dass etwas passieren könnte --- GOOGLE INDEX trepidation: approximately 5,000,000 Google hits



So it is with some TREPIDATION that multinational corporations have begun to reassess their footprint in China.

(Forbes magazine)

A&E units are already under strain and have been preparing for the holiday season with some TREPIDATION.

(BBC News)

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- a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen

(Oxford Dictionary)

US President Franklin D. Roosevelt once famously said that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He could have also said, "The only thing we have to view with trepidation is trepidation itself." But why use a four-syllable word when a one-syllable word suffices?

The answer is, in some situations a more formal term is appropriate or desirable. This is where words like trepidation are useful. A concerned parent would typically say something like "I'm worried about John walking to school by himself" instead of "I think about John walking to school by himself with some trepidation." Trepidation is just a bit too formal in this case, although (most) people would understand it.

On the other hand, instead of "We are worried about the unrest in the Middle East," a business executive could say, "We view the situation in the Middle East with some trepidation." The latter sentence sounds less threatening and provides a more formal structure.

Trepidation is from the Latin "trepidus," meaning alarmed or scared, and eventually from the Proto-Indo-European root "trep," to shake or tremble.


apprehension, anxiety, concern, consternation, dread, fear, jitters, nervousness uneasiness, worry

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"With some trepidation, we decided to close our operations in the Far East."

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