
someone who spends excessive time at the Wikipedia website


Wikipediholic = jemand der unter Wikipedia-Sucht leidet (DH) --- GOOGLE INDEX Wikipediholic: approximately 28,000 hits



I realized I'm starting to turn into a Wikipediholic when I sit down at the computer and immediately pull up Wikipedia.

(The Schumin Web Journal)


People call me a Wikipediholic, but that's not the way I see myself.

(top ten Wikipedia contributor Bryan Derksen from Canada, who has submitted more than 70,000 entries, but denies having an addiction)

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- A Wikipediholic or Wikiholic or Wikipediaholic is someone with a serious addiction to anything involving the words "Wiki" and/or "Pedia" in the same word or sentence.


- someone who spends an excessives amounts of time editing Wikipedia entries

- medical description: WAD Wikipedia Addictive Disorder


Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free content encyclopaedia project. Volunteers from around the world collaborate to write Wikipedia entries. With rare exceptions, the articles can be edited by anyone with access to the Internet by simply clicking the "edit this page” link.

The name Wikipedia is a portmanteau (a word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words) of the words wiki (a type of collaborative website) and encyclopaedia. Since its creation in 2001, Wikipedia has rapidly grown into the largest reference web site on the Internet. For more information about the history of Wikipedia, follow this link:

Thus a Wikipediholic (also Wikiholic, Wikipediaholic) is someone who spends an inordinate amount of time submitting and editing entries. Although the number of Wikipediholics is not known, there are over 75,000 active contributors working on more than 5,300,000 articles in more than 100 languages, numbers that change nearly every second.

Wikipedia says this OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), referred to as Wikipediholism, is characterised by constantly having a web browser window open to the Recent Changes section of Wikipedia and pressing the Reload or Refresh button with a high frequency. Wikipediholism can lead to a serious decrease in productivity in all other areas of the victim's life, like any other addiction.

There is even an official theme song for Wikipediholics called Hotel Wikipedia (should be sung to the tune of Hotel California):

On a dark office evening,
Sat down in my chair.
Sharp smell of stale coffee
Circling round in the air.

Suddenly on the webpage
There came a flickering light.
My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dim;
I had to stop for the night.

There it was in the link list:
"Edit page; you'll do well"
And I was thinking to myself
This could be Heaven or this could be Hell!

Then it lit up the quickbar
And it showed me the way.
There were pages begging for clean-up;
I thought I heard them say:

Welcome to the Hotel Wikipedia
Such a lovely place
So much empty space
Plenty of work at the Hotel Wikipedia
Any time of year
You can find us here...

If you suspect you suffer from Wikipediholism, Wikipedia offers a free test to help ascertain if you are a Wikipediholic and if so, whether the illness is at an early and curable stage or if it's perhaps time to update your last will and testament. A word of caution though, the test contains around 300 questions and takes approximately 38 days to complete. Inquire with your immediate supervisor to see how much vacation or how many overtime hours you have on the books before starting the test.

(sources: Wikipedia, Wikipediholics Anonymous)


say something like:

"I spent my entire weekend editing Wikipedia entries about Kant's transcendental idealism. My family says I'm a Wikipediholic. I don't think I have a problem though. I mean, I can quit editing anytime I want.”

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