when push comes to shove

the time when something must be done


when push comes to shove = wenn es hart auf hart kommt --- GOOGLE INDEX when push comes to shove: approximately 11,000,000 Google hits



They believe that WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, the Chinese (and the Russians) can’t do anything to keep the leaders of Pyongyang from losing their heads.

(Time magazine)

There is a new refrain in Kampala, which goes: "WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, society needs order and stability more than individual freedom and liberty. Without order, no one can enjoy any freedom or human rights, goes the truism."


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when push comes to shove (also written and spoken as "if push comes to shove")

- when all the easy solutions to a problem have not worked, and something must be done

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


From Middle English pusshen, from Old French poulser, pousser, from Latin pulsre, frequentative of pellere, to strike, push.

Synonyms: push, propel, shove, thrust

These verbs mean to press against something in order to move it forward or aside:

- PUSH a baby carriage
- Wind PROPELLING a sailboat
- SHOVE a tray across a table
- THRUST the package into her hand

Phrasal Verbs with push

push around (informal)
To treat or threaten to treat roughly; intimidate.

push off (informal)
To set out; depart:
The infantry patrol pushed off before dawn.

push on
To continue or proceed along one's way:
The path was barely visible, but we pushed on.

Idioms with push:

push paper (informal)
To have one's time taken up by administrative, often seemingly petty, paperwork:
Spent the afternoon pushing paper for the boss.

push up daisies (slang)
To be dead and buried:
a cemetery of heroes pushing up daisies.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition


if all else fails, if necessary, if need be

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"If push comes to shove, we'll find a hotel for the night and take the first flight in the morning."

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