warrants immediate action

requires, needs immediate action


warrant = etwas rechtfertigen; garantieren; gewähren; gewährleisten; zusichern --- How important is this English word? warrant: 93,200,000 Google Hits



Prices have fallen in recent years, so much that it WARRANTS looking at cameras again even if you are happy with the one you own.


The dramatic increase in the number of older adults facing the need for end-of-life care WARRANTS development of a research infrastructure and resources to enhance that care for patients and their families.

(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Did you


1. To make a particular activity necessary.

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2. Justification for an action or belief.

(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition)



From around 1200, warrant derives from the Old Northern French warant meaning protector or safeguard. It was later expanded to mean authorisation or authority. The root can be identified in several words including the Frankish warand, Low German warend or warent meaning guarantee, Old High German weren (authorise) and Old Frisian weria meaning to prove or confirm.

(adapted from the Online Etymology Dictionary and the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology)

Warrant can also be used in the context of guaranteeing or authorising something or declaring something to be true.

In its noun form, a warrant is a document or commission providing authority to do something.

Befugnis; der Berechtigungsschein; Bescheinigung des Bezugsrechts; die Ermächtigung; die Garantie; der Haftbefehl; der Optionsschein; richterliche Anordnung; die Vollmacht; der Vollstreckungsbefehl; der Vollziehungsbefehl; die Zusicherung

A bench warrant is issued by a presiding judge or by a court against a person guilty of contempt or indicted for a crime.

A search warrant is issued by a court to authorise law enforcement personnel to search a home or business.

An arrest warrant, as the name implies, authorises law enforcement personnel to arrest the person named in the warrant.


guarantee, insure, justify, certify, entitle, license

say something like:

“This decrease in our operating profits warrants taking a close look at our production costs.”

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