
the ability to choose


volition = Wille, Willenskraft; Wollen; Willensäußerung; Willensentscheidung; Volition —— of one's own volition = aus freiem Willen; aus eigenem Antrieb



“In one (exhibition) section, Pedrosa assembled a cluster of works by Italian artists who left the country, some exiled for political reasons, others departing of their own VOLITION.”

Manuel Borja-Villel — ArtForum (18th September 2024)


“Local media have cited a senior ruling party official as saying the party was helping with costs and laying on transport so its supporters could attend the demonstration in the capital, while insisting they would only be there of their own VOLITION.”

Felix Light — Reuters (29th April 2024)

Did you


- the power to make your own decisions

Cambridge Dictionary



The word "volition" comes from the Latin volitio, which is derived from velle, meaning "to wish" or "to will". 

It entered the English language in the early 17th century through French, with "volition" meaning the act or power of using one's will to make decisions or choices.

The same Latin root that gives us "volition" is also the source of other English words related to will and desire, such as "voluntary" and "voluptuous”.



"I don't believe in free will. I have no choice."
A popular joke in philosophical circles

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
Douglas Adams, "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"

There once was a man who felt free,
To choose his own destiny.
But science said "Nay,
It's all DNA,
Your choices? Just brain chemistry!



agency, at one's discretion (the helm), author of your life, autonomy, break the chains, captain of one's ship, calling the shots, carte blanche, choice, conscious choice (decision), decision, desire, determination, discretion, driving force, election, free as a bird, free choice, freedom of choice, free will, go your own way, holding the reins, inclination, independent will, initiative, intent, intention, in the driver's seat, liberty, master of one's fate, motivation, of one's own accord, personal choice, power of choice, preference, prerogative, pulling the strings, purposefulness, resolution, resolve, self-determination (-direction, -governance, -government, -will), take the wheel, urge, VOLITION, whim, will, willpower, wish


SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“I can’t figure out whether I just said this sentence of my own VOLITION, or whether it just came to mind outside of my control!”

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Paul & Helga Smith


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