
a person who can speak without moving his/her lips


ventriloquist = der Bauchredner ventriloquism = das Bauchreden --- GOOGLE INDEX ventriloquist: approximately 4,500,000 Google hits



Wolfe first worked with Chesney on the BBC Radio programme Entertaining Archie which featured the unusual concept of a VENTRILOQUIST act on radio.

(BBC News)

Michael DeFreitas has delighted youngsters for years with his magic show and VENTRILOQUIST act with Oscar the Parrot, Chuck the cheeky teenager, and Brazilian tourist Carlos.

(London Daily Telegraph)

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- a professional entertainer who can speak so that his voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he controls

(Kernerman Dictionaries)


- the art of projecting one's voice so that it seems to come from another source, as from a wooden figure

(American Heritage Dictionary)

The terms ventriloquist/ventriloquism derive from the Latin "venter" - the belly - and loqui - to speak. It is patterned after the Greek engastrimythos, a word that eventually produced the English "gastromancy," which literally means "speaking in the belly." The Greeks did not regard ventriloquism/gastromancy as a form of entertainment. Rather it was thought of as a rumbling sort of internal speech and a sign of spiritual inspiration or - more commonly - a demonic possession.

The noises produced by the stomach were thought to be the voices of the dead, who took up residence in the stomach of the ventriloquist. The ventriloquist would then interpret the sounds, as they were thought to be able to speak to the dead, as well as foretell the future. One of the earliest recorded prophets to rely on this technique was the Pythia, the priestess at the temple of Apollo in Delphi, who acted as the conduit for the Delphic Oracle.

The modern sense of ventriloquism, as in entertainment, appears to have begun in the early 18th century.

sources: Wikipeda, Online Etymology Dictionary

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"We hired a fabulous ventriloquist to perform at the Christmas party."

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