twist of fate

an unpredicted or random event


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People tell me it's a sin
To know and feel too much within.
I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring.
She was born in spring, but I was born too late.
Blame it on a simple TWIST OF FATE

(Simple Twist of Fate, by Bob Dylan)

In an ironic TWIST OF FATE, British Petroleum has put up the "for sale" sign on its $1.5 billion of wind farms to help pay for its 2010 oil spill.

(Motley Fool)

Did you

twist of fate

- a fateful event; an unanticipated change in a sequence of events

(McGraw-Hill Dictionary)

A twist of fate is an unplanned occurrence that has unexpected consequences. Meeting one's future spouse on a subway train is a good example of a twist of fate. Careers often develop as a result of a twist of fate as well. To make extra money, Hollywood actor Harrison Ford was hired to build kitchen cabinets for film producer George Lucas who then gave Harris the role of Han Solo in the original Stars Wars trilogy. He went on to assume other famous film roles including the lead in the Indiana Jones series.

The use of twist in this expression stems from the sense of an unexpected plot development. This usage first appears in the U.S in the 1940s and likely has something to do with the many crime stories and films that were popular in this era. Twist is also utilized in a similar phrase "unusual twist," which also denotes an unplanned development (In an unusual twist, police were interviewing a suspect wanted for robberies in two other towns).

Fate is a late 14th century word that stems from the Latin fata, meaning "prophetic declaration, oracle, prediction" - literally "a thing spoken by the gods" (from fari, meaning to speak).

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation:

"It was a twist of fate that we met in college and decided to open a business together."

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