to-ing and fro-ing

not deciding


to-ing and fro-ing = hin und her, hin und her rennen, hin und her schwanken; Unentschlossenheit, Unschlüssigkeiten --- How important is this English word? to-ing and fro-ing: 2,940,000 Google Hits



Member states (of the EU) engaged in a sad TO-ING AND FRO-ING before finally agreeing to contribute 7,000 troops (to help maintain peace on the border between Israel and Lebanon).


After some TO-ING AND FRO-ING between Britain and the Netherlands, New Amsterdam became the British colony of New York in the 1670s.

(The Lonely Planet)

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to-ing and fro-ing
idiomatic phrase

- going from one method, idea, or plan to another in a way that wastes time when you are trying to achieve something.

(Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms © Cambridge University Press 1998)

To-ing and fro-ing is a prepositional phrase consisting of the prepositions to (indicating movement in the direction of something) and fro (indicating movement away or in the opposite direction of something).

back and forth, hem and haw, back and fill, beat around the bush, dance around, shilly-shally, fudge and mudge

Note: shally and mudge are not real words. They were invented merely to rhyme with shilly (spending too much time doing something or making a decision) and fudge (to avoid making a decision or giving a clear answer about something).

say something like:

“My boss has been to-ing and fro-ing about my promotion for months now. I wish he would make a decision.”

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