the heebie-jeebies

feelings of anxiety and fear


the heebie-jeebies = Angstgefühle, Gänsehaut, Schaudern --- GOOGLE INDEX the heebie-jeebies: approximately 900,000 Google hits



Salma Hayek: The Thought of Botox Gives Me the HEEBIE-JEEBIES

(US Weekly magazine)

My parents have done a great job in making me feel secure, but they should have prepared me a bit earlier to be street smart, instead of giving me the HEEBIE-JEEBIES.

(New York Times)

Did you

noun, slang

- a state of nervous fear or anxiety

(Oxford Dictionary)

Heebie-jeebies is an American English idiom that describes a feeling of anxiety that is usually related to something specific. For example, "That movie gave me the heebie-jeebies." A common British equivalent is "abdabs" or "screaming abdabs."

While we would enjoy satisfying your curiosity about the origin of such a strange expression as abdabs, even the most experienced etymologists have yet to figure this one out.

Heebie-jeebies is a so-called reduplicate, which are words that repeat a syllable or other linguistic element exactly or with a slight change. Common reduplicates are mumbo-jumbo (nonsense language) and hocus-pocus (magic).

The term heebie-jeebies is widely attributed to American cartoonist Billy DeBeck. The first printed citation, where it is spelled with a "y," is in one of Beck's cartoons from 1923 that was published in the New York American:

"You dumb ox – why don't you get that stupid look off of your face – you give me the heeby jeebys!"


anxiety, nervousness, the chills, the creeps, the jitters, the screaming abdabs, the shakes, the shivers, the sweats, the willies


SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Just the thought of going to the top of the Empire State Building gives me the heebie-jeebies."

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