swing state = Wechselwählerstaat, Staat mit wechselnder Wählermehrheit; US-Bundesstaat, der keiner Partei eindeutig zurechenbar ist Wechselwählerstaat
“Vice President Pence is doing a roundtable on the economy in Pennsylvania, and Democratic candidate Joe Biden will be giving a speech on his plan to rebuild the economy in the same SWING STATE,
swing state
noun phrase
- (in the United States) a state where the number of Democratic and Republican voters is about the same, that has an important influence on the result of the election of the United States President
Cambridge Dictionary
In American politics, the term “swing state” (or battleground state) refers to any state that could reasonably be won by either the Democratic or Republican presidential candidate by a swing in votes. These states are usually targeted by both major-party campaigns, especially in competitive elections.*
Expect this term to be in the news a lot in the coming weeks.
Election analytics website FiveThirtyEight identifies the states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin as swing states that have regularly seen close contests over the last few presidential campaigns.
States that regularly lean to a single party are known as “safe states”, as it is generally assumed that one candidate has a base of support from which they can draw a sufficient share of the electorate.
* “Larry J. Sabato’s Crystal Ball, The Electoral College: The Only Thing That Matters”.
SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation with a U.S. colleague of friend, say something like:
“Hey Jim, perhaps we shouldn’t talk politics, but do you happen to be living in or near a SWING STATE?”
P.S. A HUGE THANKS to all “Friends-of-OWAD” who are supporting my efforts :)