sundry items

various items


sundry items = verschiedene Sachen, das Allerlei --- GOOGLE INDEX sundry: approximately 14,000,000 Google hits



"It relates to corporation tax on SUNDRY items like investment income," he said.

(BBC News)

Many mainland Chinese visit Hong Kong regularly to purchase SUNDRY goods such as soap, cosmetics and diapers, as well as food including milk powder, because of lower prices and quality concerns at home.

(BloombergBusiness magazine)

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- various, miscellaneous

Not to be confused with sun-drying, the noun sundry stems from the Old English "syndrig, sundor," meaning separate or apart, which also gave us the verb sunder, to separate or divide (related to the German sondern, to sort something out, as well as gesondert, meaning separately).

Although less common these days, there was a time when so-called sundry stores could be found in most towns. As the name implies, sundry stores sell a variety of merchandise. In many Hollywood westerns, sundry stores were often called "general stores."

Sundry is also a noun that often takes the plural form "sundries," which the Cambridge Dictionary defines as "various different small things that are considered together, usually because they are not important enough to be considered separately."

Sundry also shows up in two common idioms:

- all and sundry = everyone (All and sundry had a great time at the party)

- various and sundry = many different (We used the meeting to discuss various and sundry topics). Although this is technically a redundant phrase, it is commonly used.


assorted, different, diverse, manifold, many, miscellaneous, quite a few, several, various

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"The hotel has sundry features for frequent business travelers."

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