
Islamic philosophy


Sufism = die Überzeugungen und Praktiken einer muslimischen Gruppe, die versucht, sich durch Gebet und Meditation sowie ein sehr einfaches Leben mit Gott zu vereinen



“This is an admirable trait, particularly prominent within Malamati SUFISM, that one should busy oneself with one’s own faults instead of the perceived faults of others. The key principles include exuberant love; being open with one’s beliefs; concealing the faults of others; persevering through sneers and censures of others; and a perpetual struggle against self-centredness.”

Ali Hammoud — The Guardian (22nd September 2024)

“Two anthropologists have discovered that the heartbeats of those who practice SUFISM, a mystical dimension of the Islamic faith, beat in tandem during a communal ritual in which all of the congregants join in deep meditation or an ecstatic trance.”

Stewart Ain — Forward (24th March 2021)

Did you


- the beliefs and practices of a Muslim group, who, try to become united with God through prayer and meditation, and by living a very simple life

Oxford Learner’s Dictionary


The etymology of "Sufism" is somewhat debated, but there are a few main theories about its origins:

One of the most widely accepted origins is that "Sufism" comes from the Arabic word sūf (صُوف‎), meaning "wool”. Early Sufis were known for wearing simple woolen garments as a symbol of asceticism and renunciation of worldly luxuries. This humble attire was in contrast to the more opulent clothing worn by other Islamic scholars or the wealthy.

Another possible origin comes from the Arabic word ṣafā (صفاء‎), which means "purity" or "clarity”. This reflects the Sufi emphasis on purifying the heart and soul to attain closeness to God. This interpretation focuses more on the spiritual goals of Sufism rather than its outward practices.

The term "Sufi" began to be used in the 8th-9th centuries CE to refer to Islamic mystics and ascetics. “Sufism" as a term in Western languages dates to the early 19th century.

While the wool-based etymology is most widely accepted, the true origin remains a subject of scholarly debate.


- Atheism = the absence of belief in the existence of any gods or deities.

- Agnosticism = the view that the existence of God or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable.

- Buddhism = a spiritual and philosophical tradition based on the teachings of the Buddha, emphasizing personal spiritual development and the attainment of enlightenment (nirvana).

- Confucianism = a philosophical and ethical system founded by Confucius, emphasizing morality, correct social relationships, and justice.

- Hinduism = one of the oldest religions, originating in India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation, karma, and dharma, and aiming for spiritual liberation (moksha).

- Islamism = a political movement based on the idea that political systems should be based on the teachings of Islam (a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, emphasizing submission to the will of Allah and adherence to the Five Pillars of Islam).

- Jainism = an Indian religion that teaches a path to spiritual purity and enlightenment through disciplined nonviolence toward all living creatures.

- Judaism = the monotheistic religion of the Jewish people, based on the belief in one God and adherence to the Torah’s teachings and commandments.

- Monotheism = the belief in the existence of only one god.

- Paganism = a broad term for various non-Abrahamic, often nature-based, spiritual or religious beliefs and practices.

- Polytheism = the belief in or worship of multiple gods or deities.

- Rastafarianism = a religious movement originating in Jamaica, combining Christianity, mysticism, and pan-African political consciousness.

- Shamanism = a practice involving practitioners (shamans) who are believed to interact with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness, often for healing or guidance.

- Shintoism = the traditional religion of Japan, focusing on the worship of kami (spirits) and rituals, to honour nature and ancestors.

- Sikhism = a monotheistic religion founded in Punjab, India, emphasizing spiritual liberation, social justice, equality, and devotion to one God.

- Sufism = the beliefs and practices of a Muslim group who try to become united with God through prayer and meditation and by living a very simple life.

- Taoism = a Chinese philosophy and religious tradition focused on living in harmony with the Tao (the Way), which represents the source and essence of everything.

- Theism = the belief in the existence of one or more gods or deities.

- Zoroastrianism = one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions, founded by the prophet Zoroaster, centered on the cosmic struggle between good and evil.

Note that while "Sufism" is often referred to as an "ism”, it's more accurately described as a mystical dimension within Islam rather than a separate religion. Similarly, some of these "isms" (like Confucianism) are sometimes considered philosophical systems rather than religions, depending on how they're practiced and interpreted.


article of faith, axiom, belief, canon, catechism, code, compass, conviction, credo, creed, doctrine, dogma, ethos, faith, frame of reference, gospel, guiding light, ideology, ISM, lodestar, mantra, mental model, mindset, moral code, moral compass, narrative, north star, opinion, orthodoxy, paradigm, philosophy, position, precept, principle, religion, rule book, school of thought, set of principles, stance, standpoint, system, teaching, tenet, theology, theory, truth, view, way of life, way of thinking, weltanschauung, worldview


SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“The whirling dance of the dervishes is a well-known practice in SUFISM.”

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