
the end of a relationship


Splitsville = die Trennung --- GOOGLE INDEX Splitsville: approximately 1,300,000 Google hits



Like most couples arriving in SPLITSVILLE Marcil and Giovinazzo focused on the important things during the divorce proceedings such as dividing up their fleet of luxury vehicles.

(International Business Times)

Paramount and DreamWorks: SPLITSVILLE?

(BusinessWeek magazine article headline)

Did you


- a state of separation or breakup

(American Heritage Dictionary)

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the first recorded instance of the term "Splitsville" was 1951, the same year which allegedly saw the first recorded use of other words like "nerd" and "fast food".

An Americanism, Splitsville is slang that derives from "split," as in separating or breaking up, and the suffix -ville, which can be used to turn nearly any noun into a metaphorical place (from the French "ville" meaning town). These combinations have their origin in the beatnik and hippie counterculture years of the late 1950s and 1960s in the U.S.

Other "villes" that you might hear or read about include:

- Endsville = excellent, the best (That band was Endsville!) or undesirable, the end (It was Endsville for him after he flunked his college exams)

- Hicksville = a remote place (The company is located somewhere out in Hicksville)

- Dullsville = a place that is boring, uninteresting (Let's go somewhere else. This place is Dullsville!)

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"If we can't agree our contract terms, let's call it Splitsville."

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