
to cause something to happen


spawn = erzeugen, hervorbringen spawn (biol.) = laichen, sich vermehren --- GOOGLE INDEX spawn: approximately 60,000,000 Google hits



Facebook has SPAWNED a chain of other companies on its platform like Zynga, BranchOut, Spotify and Payvment.

(BBC News)

Capitalism in Russia has SPAWNED far more Al Capones than Henry Fords.

(David Remnick, American journalist)

Did you


- to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly

Spawn is an early 15th century expression from the Anglo-French "espaundre" and Old French "espandre" meaning to spread out, pour out. It further stems from the Latin "expandere" (like expand). This expression derives from the idea of the "spreading out" of fish eggs released in water.

Spawn in the figurative sense of "causing, giving rise to" was first recorded in the 1590s. It is also used as a noun for the eggs of fish and frogs for instance and in general to describe offspring or brood.

The Coho salmon fish, found mainly in the northern Pacific Ocean and in coastal streams and rivers, is well known for its practice of spawning only once during its lifetime, after which it soon dies. At spawning time, the adult returns to the area where they were born to spawn. This requires a long strenuous upstream journey in which the salmon can sometimes be observed jumping out of the water to traverse the strong downstream current.

The time of year that they return depends on the place and ease of passage, but it is often spring or summer. The female salmon digs the nest, also called a redd, and lays up to 4,500 eggs which are then fertilized by the male. The baby fish, called fry, hatch in early spring, but remain in the nest developing further until they emerge in May or June. They spend the winter in the freshwater environment before setting out for the sea in the following spring, and continuing the life cycle.


produce, bring forth, create, father, generate, give rise to, hatch, issue, make, mother, originate, parent, procreate, reproduce, sire

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"New technologies often spawn a wide range of innovative products and services."

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