Spiced Pork And Ham


SPAM = Abk. für "Spiced Pork And Ham" und der Name eines bekannten Dosenfleischs von der amerikanischen Firma Hormel --- GOOGLE INDEX SPAM: approximately 41,000,000 hits



While 15 million UK homes buy cold tinned meat every week, just two million choose SPAM.

(BBC News)

"SPAM, lovely SPAM, wonderful SPAM."

- a song from the Monty Python comedy sketch "Spam"

Did you

noun & acronym

- an acronym for Spiced Pork and Ham

and later...

- a term describing junk e.mail


If you are surprised that Spam is not originally an Internet term, you are probably not alone. Spam was and still is the name of a processed, canned meat product made by the Hormel Company. The company's web site provides the following explanation on how it got its name:

Who named SPAM?
Ken. A man named Ken was crowned the official namer of SPAM®. Jay Hormel, the father of SPAM®, held a contest to help find a name for this most delicious meat. SPAM® was selected and Ken received a $100 prize.

Does SPAM mean "spiced ham?" Most Internet-based resources point to either "Spiced Pork and Ham" or "Spiced Ham" as the likely origin of this, bit this is speculative.

There is general agreement that Spam acquired its cult image thanks to a 1970 Monty Python show. In the sketch, two customers try to order breakfast from a menu that includes Spam in almost every dish. A group of Vikings seated at the next table sing "Spam, lovely Spam, wonderful Spam" over and over. The sketch pokes fun at Spam because of how often it was served in Britain during Word War II (it was one of the few meats that was not rationed). With its reputation for being unwanted, but in abundant supply, the Internet community adopted spam as a description for unsolicited e-mails.

*Spam should be capitalised when referring to the product and with a small "s" when talking about e-mail.


"Have you ever tried Spam sandwiches, they're deliicious."

"I'm sorry I didn't reply, your e-mail landed in my spam folder."

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