
secret or dishonest activities


shenanigans = die Spielerei --- GOOGLE INDEX shenanigans: approximately 15,500,000 Google hits



The election defeat suggests that the dour Milanese may have had enough of their prime minister's alleged SHENANIGANS - especially if they suspect that he has taken his eye off most Italians' top priority: sorting out the country's somnolent economy.

(BBC News)

HP SHENANIGANS highlight unprecedented changes in IT industry

(Computer Weekly)

Did you


- secret or dishonest activities, usually of a complicated and humorous or interesting type

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

There is an abundance of theories regarding the origin of the word "shenanigans." Unfortunately none of them can be confirmed. Here are a few examples:

-From the German "schinageln" (to work or toil) or "Schenigelei" (a trick)

- From the Spanish "chanada," a shortened form of "charranada," meaning to trick or deceit. As the word shenanigans seems to have originated in California during the Gold Rush, this is a plausible theory given the state's long historical links with Spain and Mexico.

- From an East Anglian dialect word "nannicking," which refers to playing the fool

- Our favourite has Irish roots. After all, the word looks and sounds Irish and California was full of Irishmen seeking their fortunes in the hills of northern California during the Gold Rush. It's possible that the source word is the Irish "sionnachuighm," which means "'I play tricks" (the word is pronounced roughly as "shinnuckeem").

Take your pick.


antics, capers, funny business, hanky-panky, high jinks, mischief, monkey business

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"It's difficult to trust politicians these days considering all of the shenanigans in government."

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