she feathered her own nest

she accumulated money for herself in a dubious way


feather your own nest = sich bereichern, in die eigene Tasche wirtschaften --- GOOGLE INDEX feather your own nest: approximately 150,000 Google hits



Italy's richest man is accused by his critics of passing bills to FEATHER HIS OWN NEST.

(BBC News)

"People hate the idea of public officials FEATHERING THEIR OWN NESTS at the expense of the people."

(The Republic)

Did you

feather one's own nest

- make money for oneself in an opportunistic or selfish way

(Oxford English Dictionary)

It doesn't take much imagination to understand where the expression "feather your own nest" originated. When building nests, most species of birds use their own feathers to build a nest, while others are a bit more unscrupulous and rely on the feathers of other birds.

Here are some other ways to use feather in common idiomatic expressions:

- feather in one's cap = an honour or a reward for something (The promotion was a feather in his cap)

- ruffle someone's feathers = to irritate or annoy someone (You really ruffled his feathers by criticising the way he played that song)

- tar and feather someone = to punish someone (The fans wanted to tar and feather the team after losing the match)

- birds of a feather flock together = people of the same sort or with the same tastes and interests will be found together (We need to specify the table seating otherwise as usual, birds of a feather will flock together)


to line one's pockets

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Many scandals involve the feathering his own nest."

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