
to carefully examine


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There is no provision within the Maastricht treaty that gives the right to any foreign government to SCRUTINIZE the data of another member state.

Comments on Greece and the euro - The Economist‬, Nov 10, 2012

On the Books: Amazon SCRUTINIZED over labor practices; first book published in the U.S. may break auction record

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to examine (something) carefully especially in a critical way


Origin: Early 15th century. Middle English scrutiny, from Medieval Latin scrūtinium ("a search, an inquiry"), from Vulgar Latin scrūtārī ("to search or examine thoroughly"), of uncertain origin.

Common synonyms for scrutinize are: scan, inspect, examine. Here's how to use them:

SCRUTINIZE stresses close attention to detail 'he scrutinized the restaurant bill.'

SCAN implies a surveying from point to point often suggesting a cursory overall observation 'she scanned the wine list and quickly ordered.'

INSPECT implies looking carefully for errors or defects 'they inspected my car engine after I noticed a strange knocking noise.'

EXAMINED suggests a scrutiny in order to determine the nature, condition, or quality of a thing 'the technician examined the samples for contamination.'


analyze, check, check out, comb, consider, dissect, explore, examine, inspect, investigate, look into, look over, peruse, pore over, probe, scan, sift, watch, weigh, contemplate, eyeball, overlook, scan, study, survey, view, check over, get a load of, go over with a fine-tooth comb, inquire into, put under a microscope


forget, ignore, neglect

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Scrutinize each application carefully before inviting applicants to an interview."

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