
the person placed second in a competition


runner-up = der Zweitplatzierte --- GOOGLE INDEX runner-up: approximately 6,500,000 Google hits



This year's winner will be awarded £60,000, with the RUNNER-UP picking up a cheque for £25,000.

(BBC News)

"In war there is no prize for RUNNER-UP."


Did you

noun phrase

- a person who comes second in a race or competition

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

American football coach Vince Lombardi is widely credited with saying, "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing." For the most part, being a runner-up means being forgotten. Just ask Buzz Aldrin.

Buzz who? people know the name Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon. As the second man to walk on the moon though, Buzz Aldrin became "that other guy" who followed Armstrong down the ladder of the lunar craft.

Some runners-up manage to rise above the cloud of obscurity and become famous:

Al Gore - Vice president of the United States under the Bill Clinton, Gore ran for president against George W. Bush in 2000 and suffered a bitter defeat in an election eventually decided by the Supreme Court. Gore later won the Nobel Peace Prize for his involvement in tackling climate change.

Helium - The second most abundant element in the world (at least the one we know) and runner-up to hydrogen. Helium is 24 percent of the elemental mass of our galaxy, but is mainly famous for making the human voice sound like Mickey Mouse when inhaled.

second place, vice-champion

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"After being runner-up for three years, Bob finally won the salesman of the year competition."

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