right on the money

exact, precise


right on the money = genau, treffend --- GOOGLE INDEX right on the money: approximately 41,000,000 Google hits



Why Coca-Cola's Investments in Emerging Markets Are RIGHT ON THE MONEY

(Motley Fool investment portal)

Mark Bittman's call to "get the science straight" on the causes of obesity, and to target caloric sweeteners, is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

(New York Times)

Did you

right on the money, on the money

- exact, precise

(American Heritage Dictionary)

Money has been a popular subject since time immemorial.

From the Bible (Money is the root of all evil) to Mark Twain (A lack of money is the root of all evil), Pablo Picasso (I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.), everyone seems to have an opinion about it.

Likewise, English boasts a vast selection of idioms, phrases and proverbs that use the word money or refer to it in some way, such as "on the money," which is also expressed as "right on the money" or "dead on the money." This phrase is used to note when something, like a decision, plan, strategy or opinion, turns out to be accurate. Or as the English like to say "spot on."

On the money, an Americanism that first surfaced in the 1940s is thought to derive from winning a bet in horse racing. Other interesting, but unproven theories about the origin include the sport of archery (placing a coin in the centre of the target) and land surveying (placing shiny coins on the top of rods to make them more visible in the sun).


dead on, exact, for sure, on target, on the button, on the nose, precise, right on, spot on

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"The decision to invest more in research and development was right on the money."

Thanks to Joachim for suggesting today's word!

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