
humorously vulgar


ribald = anzüglich, derb, unanständig, zotig --- GOOGLE INDEX ribald: approximately 500,000 Google hits



RIBALD bus rides and hotel card games remain some of his fondest memories.

(Washington Post)

His books are accessible, with plenty of characters, action and melodrama, and written in colloquial, and at times RIBALD language.

(BBC News)

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- describes language that is coarse, obscene, or vulgar, usually in a humorous or mocking way

(World English Dictionary)

Is there someone at work - let's face it, usually a man - who likes to stand around the water cooler and tell crude jukes while others chuckle? Or maybe you have an uncle who tells stories of his amorous adventures at family get-togethers, making men laugh and ladies squirm

If so, you already know what ribald means. Whether ribald is a positive or negative human attribute depends on your point of view. What is hilarious to some is tasteless to others and is affected by cultural, religious and family influences. When you have something on your mind that others might consider ribald, the general rule of thumb is: keep it to yourself. As the old saying goes, "discretion is the better part of valour."

The word ribald is from the Old French "ribaut, ribalt," meaning a rogue, a scoundrel or a lewd lover. As an adjective it referred to "wanton, depraved, dissolute, licentious." The origin of the French term is uncertain, but is perhaps related to "riber," to sleep around or dally amorously" and may also stem from the Old High German "riban," literally to rub.


bawdy, coarse, filthy, indecent, juicy, lewd, licentious, off-colour, racy, raunchy, risqué, rude, salty, smutty

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"He can get a bit ribald at times, especially after a few drinks."

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