to rekindle = wiedererwecken, wieder anfachen, wieder anzünden, wieder entfachen, wieder aufleben lassen; wieder aufflammen; to rekindle an old friendship = etw. wiederaufleben lassen (z.B. eine alte Freundschaft)
A new meteorite study is REKINDLING a scientific debate over the creation of our solar system.
Stanford University News Service
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who REKINDLE the inner spirit.
Albert Schweitzer
- to relight (as in a fire)
- to revive or renew
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Rekindle is formed by adding the prefix "re" (again) to "kindle", meaning to set fire to something or to ignite.
Kindle developed from the Middle English kindelen (which meant to cause or give birth to) and likely came from the Old Norse kynda. A related word is kindling, small pieces of wood used to start a fire.
Rekindle can be used to describe reviving just about anything, whether it’s relationships (business and personal), emotions, ideas or thoughts, to name just a few. It offers a more eloquent, single-word alternative to explain the concept of restoring something from the past.
rejuvenate, renew, restore, resurrect, resuscitate, revitalize, revive, start again, wake up
deaden, discourage, inhibit, kill
Practice OWAD in a conversation today. Say something like:
"The increase in sales is directly related to the relationship that we REKINDLED with a former customer."