
loud (not soft)


raucous = lärmend, rau, heiser —— raucous voice = heisere Stimme [rau wie ein Reibeisen] —— raucous laughter = raues Gelächter, dröhnendes Gelächter —— a raucous noise = dröhnen [z. B. Posaunen, Rotorblätter eines Helicopters]



“When I met the Queen, she showed great seriousness and empathy – but also reduced us to RAUCOUS laughter.”

Kevin Rudd - Headline in The Guardian (10th September 2022)

Did you


- a raucous sound is loud, harsh, and rather unpleasant

Collins Dictionary


The word “raucous” comes from the Latin raucus meaning “hoarse”, which describes the rough way someone sounds when losing their voice.


According to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, frequency sounds in the range of around 2,000 to 5,000 hertz (Hz) are unpleasant to humans. This frequency range also happens to be where our ears are most sensitive. Healthy humans can hear sound frequencies that range from 20 to 20,000 Hz. In the study, the following sounds were named as highly unpleasant:

- Fork scraping against a glass
- Chalk on a blackboard
- Nails on a blackboard
- Brakes on a cycle squealing
- Baby crying
- Electric drill


Also revealed in the study were the sounds people found appealing:

- Applause
- Baby laughing
- Thunder
- Water flowing

Sources: S. Kumar, K. von Kriegstein, K. Friston, T. D. Griffiths — “Features versus Feelings: Dissociable Representations of the Acoustic Features and Valence of Aversive Sounds”, Journal of Neuroscience (2012). ScienceDaily, Newcastle University — “The worst noises in the world: Why we recoil at unpleasant sounds” (2012).


- making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise

air-rending, atonal, blaring, braying, cacophonic, cacophonous, clamorous, clanging, clashing, creaking, croaking, deafening, dinning, discordant, disharmonic, disharmonious, dissonant, droning, ear-piercing, ear-splitting, grating, gravelly, grinding, gruff, guttural, harsh-sounding, high-pitched, hoarse, inharmonic, inharmonious, jangling, jangly, jarring, jingling, jingly, off-key, out-of-key, out-of-tune, penetrating, piercing, rackety, rasping, RAUCOUS, rough-sounding, scratchy, screaming, screeching, screechy, shrieking, shrieky, shrill, squawking, squawky, squeaking, squeaky, squealing, strident, tinny, unharmonious, unmelodic, unmelodious, whistling, yauping, yawping, yowling

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“RAUCOUS laughter from the children’s bedroom broke the ice at the beginning of our telco.”

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