raise the stakes

to increase in importance or risk


raise the stakes = den Einsatz erhöhen --- GOOGLE INDEX raise the stakes: approximately 3,500,000 Google hits



Drug cartels RAISE THE STAKES on human smuggling

(Los Angeles Times - News Headline)

UK telecoms group Cable & Wireless RAISES THE STAKES in its bid to grab a larger share of Japan's phone industry.

(BBC News)

Did you

raise the stakes (also, up the stakes)

- to increase the significance or risk

Stakes are things (such as money in a poker game) that can be lost or gained by assuming a certain amount of risk. To "raise the stakes" then means increasing the risk of winning or losing more. This is also referred to as "upping the ante," another poker term that means adding more money to the pot at the beginning of the hand.

Apart from raising the stakes, a person can also:

- raise hell, raise Cain, raise the devil = to cause trouble or create an uproar (The boss raised hell with his staff.)

- raise eyebrows = to cause surprise or mild disapproval (Her decision to take a job with the competition raised eyebrows.)

- raise hackles* - to annoy someone (The low fourth quarter earnings raised hackles with the company's investors.)

*Hackles are the hairs on the back of an animal, which sometimes stand up when the animal feels threatened or is excited.

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Their acquisition of that competitor has really raised the stakes."

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