
a good storyteller


raconteur = Geschichtenerzähler, ein guter Erzähler



He’s also funny, a terrific RACONTEUR, and a real showman.

(Forbes magazine)

He was a great RACONTEUR, but also a great listener.

(BBC News)

Did you


- someone who tells funny or interesting stories

(Cambridge Dictionary)

It seems every family has a raconteur. It might be an uncle, an aunt, perhaps granddad. Although the root of the word, the French verb raconter, means to recount or retell, the raconteur usually does more than simply retell a tale. The raconteur is an entertainer.

The great Mark Twain (real name Samuel Langhorne Clemens) was a fabulous raconteur whose storytelling philosophy is summed up by this quote:

"The humorous story is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects that there is anything funny about it."

and evidenced by this anecdote:

Twain loved to boast about his hunting and fishing exploits. He once spent three weeks fishing in the Maine woods, regardless of the fact that it was the state’s closed season for fishing. Relaxing in the lounge car of the train on his return journey to New York, his catch iced down in the baggage car, he looked for someone to whom he could relate the story of his successful holiday.

The stranger to whom he began to boast of his sizable catch appeared at first unresponsive, then positively grim.

“By the way, who are you, sir?” inquired Twain airily. “I’m the state game warden,” was the unwelcome response.

“Who are you?” Twain nearly swallowed his cigar.

“Well, to be perfectly truthful, warden,” he said hastily, “I’m the biggest damn liar in the whole United States.”


chronicler, narrator, storyteller, teller of tales, spinner of yarns, relater, recounter, anecdotist, anecdotalist

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:

"Bob is a great RACONTEUR, he's always the life and soul of our social events."

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