pull a fast one

to successfully trick someone


pull a fast one = jmd. reinlegen oder über's Ohr hauen



Nature PULLS FAST ONE on Astronomers

(NASA website)


Did Trump pull a fast one with Syria?

India News

Did you

pull a fast one

- to successfully deceive someone

(American Heritage Dictionary)

Although the origin of the expression "pull a fast one" is not known, we can take an educated guess as to where it came from. A "fast one" has long been slang for a trick or deceit and likely stems from so-called sleight-of-hand games, such as those that use playing cards or dice, in which the trickster relies on speed to fool the customer. Pull, as used in this phrase, is simply a synonym for doing or accomplishing something. A similar phrase is "pull the wool over someone's eyes."

Speaking of pull, this is an extremely popular word found in a wide range of phrasal verbs such as "pull ahead" (to move in front, as in a race) and "pull off" (to accomplish something despite difficulties), in addition to being applied in idioms like:

- pull oneself together = to regain a stable mental state (He pulled himself together after the boss yelled at him for being late)

- pull out all the stops = to use every resource that one has (She pulled out all the stops to complete the project on time)

- pull the plug on something or someone = to stop supporting or bring to an end (Management pulled the plug on free coffee in the office)


deceive, trick, cheat, dupe, fool, hoodwink, swindle, bamboozle, buffalo, take for a ride, mislead, scam

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:

"You paid too much - I think he PULLED A FAST ONE on you."

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