


pulchritude = die Schönheit



“But the reality remains of one person’s trash being another’s treasure, and while Warhol and Confucius poetically and diplomatically remind us of the beauty to be found in everything, the below are 10 films most impervious to any semblance of PULCHRITUDE from this year.”

Nicholas Bell — SPIN (5th December 2023)

“Please share all your favourite tips, tricks and techniques for harnessing the power, panache and PULCHRITUDE of Windows 10.”

FlintyMcQwerty — The Guardian ‘Seven ways to make Windows 10 work better’ (14th June 2019)

Did you


- great physical beauty and appeal

- beauty, especially a woman's beauty

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This mid-15th century word comes from the Latin pulchritudō, which means "beauty" or "loveliness". It is formed from the adjective pulcher, meaning "beautiful", and the suffix -tūdō, which means "quality" or "state".

It is often used in formal or literary contexts to describe physical beauty that is considered to be both attractive and bodily perfect.


"Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"True beauty lies within." - Unknown

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty." - John Keats

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." - Coco Chanel


Aesthetic appeal, angelic aspect, beauty, beauty divine, bodily perfection, bonniness, captivation, charmingness, comeliness, dazzlingness, embodiment of perfection, enthrallment, eternal beauty, goddess, gorgeousness, handsomeness, heaven-sent aspect, loveliness, picture of beauty, PULCHRITUDE, statuesque, utter perfection, walking picture

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“As unbeautiful as the word may sound to our ears, PULCHRITUDE stems directly from the Latin pulcher, which means ‘beautiful’. ”

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