
to push or jab at someone or something


poke = stoßen, stochern, bohren, stupsen poke around = herumstochern (woerterbuch.info) --- GOOGLE INDEX poke: approximately 18,000,000 hits



Las Vegas gaming tycoon Steve Wynn, proudly showing to friends a Picasso he had just sold for $139 million, accidentally POKED his elbow through the canvas, according to a witness.

- The Herald Sun

"It was that close, I could have POKED a stick at it."

(an Australian boat owner describing an encounter with a great white shark)

Did you


- to push a finger or other pointed object quickly into someone or something

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


Poke (late 14th century) may stem from the Middle Dutch poken, meaning to poke, or the Middle Low German poken, to stick with a knife.

Poke can be used in a variety of ways, particularly when combined with a preposition. It can also be used in a literal or figurative sense.

- poke in
We were just playing around when he accidentally poked a finger in my eye.

- poke into
He poked his hand into the bag and brought out a handful of candy.
Our neighbour has been poking his nose into our business for years. (used in a figurative sense to mean prying into someone else's affairs)

- poke through
She poked her head through the window and shouted at the children playing on the street below.

- poke around
Look at this old picture I found while poking around in the basement. (to look or search for something)
He poked his head around the door and smiled.

- poke fun at
My friends poked fun at my diet until they realised that I was really losing weight. (to make fun of someone)

The Internet social network Facebook.com adopted poke as part of its user lexicon. To poke someone on Facebook means to try and initiate contact with another person by sending them an e-mail or text message.


bump, dig, hit, jab, jog, lunge, nudge, prod, punch, push, ram, stab, stick, tap, thrust

(Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus)

say something like:

"Do you happen to have a plaster? I poked my finger with some kind of sharp object in my desk drawer."

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