
a lover of rain


pluviophile - jemand, der Regen liebt; jemand, der an regnerischen Tagen Freude und Seelenfrieden findet



“While rain may also evoke a sense of gloom, there are many PLUVIOPHILES among us for whom rainfall elicits a poetic response and a deep sense of solace. There is an undeniably mesmerizing beauty in the world that stands still waiting for the skies to clear.”

Maya Tola - Daily Art Magazine (4 April 2022)

Did you


- one who loves rain; one who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days

- an organism that thrives in a rainy environment (biology)



The word “pluviophile” is a combination of the Latin word: pluvia which means "rain", and the Greek phile, meaning "one who loves” or “one who is attracted to”.


- take a rain check = to use or take advantage of an invitation at another, more convenient, time (Sorry, but I need to take a rain check on your lunch invitation, I have a dental appointment.)

- when it rains it pours = when something good or bad happens, it’s likely good or bad things will follow (Hey Jane, not only did you get the job, but you also got a bonus. What can I say? When it rains it pours!)

- to rain on (someone’s) parade = to spoil something for someone, to ruin one’s plans or tone down their excitement (Tomorrow is a very special day for Amanda, let’s make sure that nobody rains on her parade.)

- saving for a rainy day = to save or keep something, until it is truly needed (Let’s save this year’s bonus for a rainy day.)

- come rain or shine = to do something whether it is raining outside or the sun is shining (The sports event starts at 2 pm, come rain or shine.)

- no rain, no rainbow = positive things usually happen after or alongside negative things (Jim was shocked to lose his job, but now he’s found the perfect position - it’s as they say, no rain, no rainbow.)

- as right as rain = to be in fine health or good working order (After the operation, he’s as right as rain.) W.L. Phelps wrote: “The expression ‘as right as rain’ must have been invented by an Englishman,… in England rainy weather is a normal fact of life.”


Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We’ll weather the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.

for the condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops:

cat-and-dog weather, cloudburst, condensation, cyclone, cyclonic storm, deluge, downfall, downpour, drencher, driving rain, drizzle, fall of rain, heavy rain, heavy shower, inundation, light fall, liquid sunshine, mizzle, moistness, pouring rain, precipitation, raindrops, rainfall, raining cats and dogs, rainstorm, rainy weather, Scotch mist, showers, showery weather, sleet, soaker, soup, squall, thunderstorm, torrent, torrential rain, washout, wet weather

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“The famous song ’Singin’ in the Rain’ must have been written by a PLUVIOPHILE.”

THANKS to Aldo for suggesting today’s OWAD.

HERZLICHEN DANK to all readers helping me keep OWAD alive with single or monthly donations at:


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