
a tactic


ploy = ein Manöver, die Machenschaft --- GOOGLE INDEX ploy: approximately 5,000,000 Google hits



The move is largely seen as a defensive PLOY against a planned international expansion by US video-streaming giant Netflix.

(BBC News)

Is Oprah's Half-Sister 'Bombshell' a PLOY to Boost Her Sagging Ratings?

(Fox News)

Did you


- something that is done or said in order to get an advantage, often dishonestly

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


One day while driving in Southern California, McDonald's chief Ray Kroc paid a surprise visit to one of the company's restaurants. He was surprised to find the employees rolling out a red carpet to welcome their boss.

Kroc was annoyed that his ploy had been revealed. But perhaps he should have not been surprised considering that he arrived at the restaurant in an $80,000 limousine. When asked about this later, Kroc said, "Nonsense! It was $40,000 limousine!"

Etymology: from a Scottish and northern England dialect. Ploy was originally used in the sense of "anything with which one amuses oneself" and was possibly a shortened form of employ or deploy. It was popularised in the sense of "a move or strategy made to gain an advantage" by British humorist Stephen Potter.


device, gambit, manoeuvre, move, play, ruse, scheme, tactic

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Car dealers often use the good cop/bad cop ploy during sales negotiations."

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