
a base or platform (architecture)


plinth = die Säulenplatte, der Sockel --- GOOGLE INDEX plinth: approximately 8,500,000 Google hits



Westminster council criticises Parliament Square PLINTH

(BBC - News Headline)

Partly because county zoning ordinances put in place after Hurricane Isabel required new residences to be set three feet above mean high tide, Jameson built all the new structures on concrete PLINTHS.

(Architectural Digest)

Did you


- a square block, especially of stone, on which a column or a statue stands

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

In architecture, a plinth is the base or platform upon which a column, pedestal, statue, monument or structure rests. Gottfried Semper's The Four Elements of Architecture (1851) suggested that the plinth, the hearth, the roof, and the wall make up all of architectural theory.

The plinth usually rests directly on the ground. According to Semper, the plinth exists to negotiate between a structure and the ground. Semper's theory has been very influential in the subsequent development of architecture. In its most basic form, a plinth is a plain, rectangular block of stone.

(adapted from Wikipedia)

Etymology: from the French plinthe, from the Latin plinthus and the Greek plinthos, "a brick, squared stone."


base, bed, bottom, foot, foundation, platform, pedestal, podium, support

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"I suggest placing the sculpture on a marble plinth in the reception area."

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