Parental Guidance (movie rating)


PG = englische Abkürzung für die Altersfreigabe "parental guidance" (Begleitung durch Eltern empfohlen) --- GOOGLE INDEX PG: approximately 5,000,000 Google hits



However, of 2004's rated films, 540 were rated R, while only about 325 were G, PG or PG-13.

(BBC News)

Some Regal Cinemas are showing G and PG rated movies this summer on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for $1 as part of their Summer Movie Express to help people get out of the extreme heat wave...


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- parental guidance

Around the world, American movies are synonymous with America's freedom of expression. But securing and safeguarding freedom of artistic, creative and political expression in film was not always a given in American society.

In the early 1900s, American cinema was subject to more than 40 local, city and state censorship boards across the country. Filmmakers had to tailor their movies to the requirements of each board or face being banned from that market.

The contemporary rating system was the brainchild of former MPAA Chairman Jack Valenti. He hated strict limitations on artistic freedom, which prompted him to reach out to the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) and other organizations. Out of this effort came the radically simple notion that continues to define the rating system today — movies would no longer be "approved" or "disapproved." Instead, an independent ratings body, comprised of parents, would give advance cautionary warnings to parents, so that they can make informed decisions about which films their children see.

The current ratings are defined as follows:

G — General audiences. All ages admitted

PG — Parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.

PG-13 — Parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

R — Restricted. Children under 17 require accompanying parent or adult guardian.

NC-17 — No One 17 and Under Admitted.

(adapted from the Motion Picture Association of America)

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Better check PG rated films first before showing the kids."

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