
continuing forever


perpetual = fortwährend, immerwährend, ständig --- GOOGLE INDEX perpetual: approximately 51,000,000 Google hits



Human society and the forces of nature are always in a PERPETUAL state of conflict with each other.


PERPETUAL devotion to what a man calls his business is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.

(Robert Louis Stevenson)

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perpetual (noun = perpetuity)

- continuing forever in the same way

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Perpetual motion - fact or fiction?

Perpetual motion is the idea that a machine can continuously produce more energy than it consumes, thus it operates forever. Our current understanding of physics dictates that there can be no such thing however. But that hasn't stopped people from trying to create perpetual motion by challenging the laws of the universe.

The first known attempt was the Bavarian "magic wheel," which consisted of a magnetically powered spinning wheel that was supposed to spin perpetually. The only problem was that friction stopped it in due time.

In 1235, Villard de Honnecourt invented an overbalanced wheel, a perpetual motion concept that has surfaced in various designs throughout history. He found that weights cause a wheel to spin under the force of gravity. Shifting and/or rearranging of the weights was supposed to keep the wheel spinning forever. However, nothing is free in nature. It takes energy to keep the wheel spinning.

Other attempts at building a perpetual motion machine have produced unintended consequences. In the 17th century, mathematician Blaise Pascal inadvertently invented the roulette wheel in a failed attempt to create a perpetual motion machine.

(source: Inventors Digest)

Etymology: perpetual stems from the Latin "perpetualis," meaning "universal." In Middle Latin, it had the sense of "permanent."

constant, continuous, endless, eternal, everlasting, infinite, incessant, never-ending

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"The perpetual noise from the copy machine is getting on my nerves."

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