


zwingend, bestimmt, gebieterisch, entschieden, unabweisbar, energisch, endgültig ——- peremptory tone = gebieterischer Ton



"The law, known as California Code of Civil Procedure 170.6, does not require the person issuing the challenge to provide any factual basis for their claim that the judge is prejudiced against them. Each side in a case gets one such PEREMPTORY challenge, which is granted as long as it is filed with correct language and within a certain time frame. Lawyers for Altman and Musk did not respond to requests for comment."

Nick Robins-Early — The Guardian (8th May 2024)

Did you


- characterized by often imperious or arrogant self-assurance

- putting an end to or precluding a right of action, debate, or delay

- expressive of urgency or command

- expecting to be obeyed immediately and without any questions

Merriam-Webster, The Cambridge Dictionary


The word “peremptory” has its origins in the mid-15th century as a legal term meaning "absolute, allowing no refusal".  It comes from the Anglo-French peremptorie and the Late Latin peremptorius, which means "destructive, decisive, final". This Latin term is derived from peremptor, meaning "destroyer”.

The Latin root per- means "away entirely, to destruction”, and emere means "to take".

In summary, the etymology of peremptory traces back to Latin and Anglo-French origins, signifying something that is final, decisive, and not open to debate or refusal.


The legendary chef Gordon Ramsay was famous for his peremptory style in the kitchen. During the filming of “Hell’s Kitchen”, Ramsay's curt and commanding demeanour often left contestants in tears. However, his authoritarian approach also pushed many to exceed their limits, transforming raw talent into culinary excellence. Many chefs have credited him with transforming their careers by instilling discipline and a relentless pursuit of excellence.


absolute, admitting no exception, aloof, arrogant, assert your authority, assertive, authoritarian, autocratic, biggety, bossy, commanding, compelling, conceited, contemptuous, cool, cruel, curt, cynical, dictatorial, disdainful, domineering, egotistic, get the better of someone, get your hooks into someone, haughty, high-and-mighty, high-handed, imperious, imperial, know-it-all, lordly, magisterial, PEREMPTORY, play God, pompous, positive, presumptuous, pretentious, puffed-up, rigorous, scornful, smarty-pants, smug, sniffy, snippy, snooty, snotty, stuck-up, supercilious, superior, swaggering, tyrannical, uppity

SMUGGLE OWAD into a sentence. Say something like:

"The parent's PEREMPTORY "No!" ended the children's pleading."

THANKS to Florian for suggesting today’s OWAD.

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