per capita

per unit of population (per person)


per capita = pro Kopf, pro Person --- GOOGLE INDEX per capita: approximately 32,000,000 Google hits



Saudi Arabia has the highest PER CAPITA YouTube use of any country in the world.

(BBC News)

West Virginia gets more federal money PER CAPITA than any other state.

(The Stars and Stripes)

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per capita
adverb phrase & adjective phrase

- per unit of population, per person

- equally to each individual

(American Heritage Dictionary)

Per capita is a Latin term that roughly translates to "by heads" (capita is Latin for head). This may be better understood as per person or per individual unit, and it usually refers to a group of people and some form of income either earned or spent.

It’s essentially a way of taking a figure such as total spending and dividing it by the number of people being counted in order to derive an average or mean. The term has many applications such as in financial and economic reports, the social sciences and education.

A common use of per capita that one often reads in the news is "per capita GDP," which stands for the gross domestic product of a country. GDP is a measure of all of the services and goods produced in a country over a specific period, typically one year.

Per capita is also legal jargon that is often applied to inheritance documents. If a person wants to leave an estate to be equally divided between survivors, he or she may use the term per capita to designate an even split between all parties.



each, per head, per person, per unit, proportionately

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"We can only sell our products in countries where per capita income high enough."

Thanks to Verena for suggesting today's word!

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