
an internet barrier which only allows access to paying users


paywall = "Bezahlmauer" — ein Mechanismus, mit dem bestimmte Inhalte einer Webseite nur nach dem Bezahlen einer Gebühr oder dem Abschluss eines Abonnements sichtbar sind --- GOOGLE INDEX paywall: approximately 2,600,000 Google hits



New York Times PAYWALL revenue will keep growing

(The Guardian)

David Grunwald, media consultant at Deloitte, said the key to PAYWALL success would rest on the distinctiveness of the content.

(Financial Times)

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- an arrangement whereby access is restricted to users who have paid to subscribe to the website

(Oxford English Dictionaries)

Paywalls are systems designed to monetize online and other digital information by preventing visitors from accessing web sites and similar content providers without having a paid subscription. Online news and sports web sites are the most frequent users of paywalls, with some sites implementing hard paywalls while others deploy soft paywalls.

A hard paywall's content restrictions are much more stringent than a soft paywall, allowing either no access or minimal access to free content. A soft paywall, on the other hand, provides significant access to free content as a means of encouraging users to subscribe for access to premium content.

The New York Times was one of the first major media outlets to establish a paywall. Others such as some of the Murdoch newspapers have followed suit.

Paywall is a compound word that combines "pay" and "wall" and derives from the IT term firewall, which refers to a computer system or program that prevents someone from seeing or using information on a computer without permission, especially someone using the Internet.

In the finance world, a firewall is a way of making sure that one part of banking does not affect another by separating the operations of the two, especially so that investment banking should not negatively affect the banking sector that ordinary people use.

(sources: Webopedia, Cambridge Dictionaries)

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"You can still access a lot of online news without crossing a paywall."

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