pay through the nose

to pay too much for something


pay through the nose = zu viel bezahlen, einen Haufen Geld für etw. bezahlen, tief in die Tasche greifen müssen, Wucherpreise bezahlen, ein Arschvoll Geld bezahlen



"But people in the United States PAY THROUGH THE NOSE for many other things in life (health, education, property taxes, wireless services, etc) that foreigners get for free."

The Economist


"Even if you sign up for your service provider's international calling plan, you can still wind up PAYING THROUGH THE NOSE."

USA Today

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pay through the nose

- to pay too much for something

The poor nose. It gets little respect. Most of the time we just complain that it's too big, too pointed, too crooked. That's why some people go to great lengths to change its appearance through plastic surgery, a solution that can literally result in...

PAYING THROUGH THE NOSE. Some people THUMB THEIR NOSE (reject) at this idea. Others have such a disregard for plastic surgery that they get their NOSES OUT OF JOINT (to be upset or annoyed) just thinking about it.

But maybe these people just CAN'T SEE FURTHER THAN THE END OF THEIR NOSE (to be narrow-minded). Instead, they end up POKING THEIR NOSE in other people's business (to interfere with). Others just think "well IT'S NO SKIN OFF MY NOSE" (to not care about something that doesn't affect one directly).

I try not to LOOK DOWN MY NOSE at others (to think someone else is not as good as oneself) or walk around with NOSE IN THE AIR (to be conceited, arrogant).

After all, who KNOWS? (excuse the awful pun), perhaps by TURNING ONE'S NOSE UP (to not accept something in an arrogant way) at corrective surgery, one might just be CUTTING OFF ONE'S NOSE TO SPITE ONE'S FACE (to hurt onself in an attempt to hurt someone else). And even if you know someone whose nose can't be fixed through plastic surgery, please DON'T RUB THEIR NOSE IN IT (to remind someone that they have failed), because that's being HARD NOSED (very strict and unforgiving).

Practice OWAD in a conversation:

"An internet search before a purchase can often help to avoid PAYING THROUGH ONE'S NOSE."

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