
the past peeking through


palimpsest = ein Manuskript oder Schreibmaterial, auf dem späteres Schreiben überlagert wurde; etwas Wiederverwendetes oder Verändertes, das jedoch noch sichtbare Spuren seiner früheren Form trägt



“Locust Grove Evolves As A Captivating PALIMPSEST: Why Preservation Matters. Locust Grove will continue to evolve where each successive generation layers on their indelible mark, crafting their own special narrative.”

Bill Frist — Forbes (19th February 2024)

“Archimedes, one of ancient Greece’s most famous and influential physicists and engineers, left a legacy of writings that had been thought to be lost to time. Much of his work only survived through copies and translations by scribes. One of the most famous fragments of Archimedes’ writings was the PALIMPSEST, a manuscript which by the 12th century a monk had overwritten and repurposed as a book of prayers.”

Luis Mendoza — The Greek Reporter (28th November 2024)

Did you


- a manuscript or piece of writing material on which later writing has been superimposed on effaced earlier writing

- something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form

- something that has a new layer, aspect, or appearance that builds on its past and allows us to see or perceive parts of this past

Oxford Languages, Dictionary Com


“Palimpsest” from the Ancient Greek word παλίμψηστος (palímpsēstos), which literally means "scraped again". This compound word is formed from two parts: πάλιν (palin) meaning "again" nd ψάω (psao) meaning "to rub smooth".

The Greek word was then adopted into Latin as palimpsestus, which specifically referred to parchment or paper that had been written on again after the original writing had been erased.

The word entered the English language in the 1660s, maintaining its Latin form palimpsestus. The earliest known use of "palimpsest" in English dates back to 1661, when it appeared in Robert Lovell's "A compleat history of animals and minerals”.

Today, "palimpsest" refers to a manuscript or document that has been erased or scraped clean for reused. This practice was common in ancient and medieval times when writing materials were scarce and expensive. Scribes would often erase older texts from parchment or papyrus to reuse the material for new writings, creating layers of text over time.

The concept of a palimpsest has also expanded metaphorically to describe anything that has successive layers or aspects apparent beneath the surface, such as in geology, astronomy, and cultural studies.


Google Earth Timelapse is a kind of modern-day palimpsest, revealing Earth's story not through scraped parchment, but through layers of satellite imagery spanning four decades.

Like medieval scholars piecing together fragments of older texts beneath newer ones, we can now watch cities sprawl across deserts, forests retreat before farmland, and glaciers slowly withdraw from thousand-year territories. Each frame contains traces of what came before, creating a living document of our planet's transformation,… and in particular the unmistakable signature of human activity on the planet’s ecology.

Just as ancient palimpsests preserved fragments of lost knowledge beneath their visible surfaces, Google Earth Timelapse preserves our planet's recent history in digital memory layers. The difference now though, is that every minute change is faithfully captured, and instead of scraping away parchment to reveal what lies beneath, we need only move a slider to watch time move back and forth.

Helga & Paul Smith


echoes of the past, echo-marked, faded script beneath, ghost-marked, lingering footprint, memory-stained, memory's watermark, overwritten, PALIMPSEST, past peeking through, shadow-stamped, trace-bearing, twice-used, yesterday's echo, yesterday's face

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“Human memory is a PALIMPSEST that is continually being written over, but never perfectly so.”

P L E A S E   S U P P O R T   O W A D

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Paul, Helga, & Jenny Smith

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